Expat Blog

living in Costa Rica

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Can't out give God...

On Thursday morning Jocelyin, the precious 15 year old, gave birth to a healthy baby girl. What a blessing that was. Lauren the house mom, was there with her the whole time and was able to stay with her during the c-section. God has truly answered our prayers and both her and baby are doing fine.
Selah Grace
 The night after her operation I spent the night at the orphanage to help out with the children as it was also the night off for the nanny in charge of the babies and Lauren was due at the hospital till the following morning. After dinner, devotions and countless questions about if they could watch a movie, have coffee or just play...they were off the bed. The next morning we were up at about 5:30am and I helped with babies and breakfast while I waited on the daily help to arrive. The workers were there by about 7am and I was out by 8am. 
This was no ordinary day for me as I was on my way to a women's retreat in Playa Montelimar Nicaragua. 
I was so excited and was to meet Lauren and 4 other woman at the Christian English school in Managua as we would all carpool there. Tony and the kids also had a treat as Friday was also the day for a field trip at the school. Tony was able to go as a chaperon and he brought along Catia and Kevin with the help of our helper...Gloria! They really enjoyed themselves at the zoo, the lake, downtown, a museum and a famous market. What a full day with 300 plus children...LOL! So glad I was not there! 
I on the other hand was enjoying the most relaxing time ever! This place was just amazing!

(Looks like stock photos, I know but this is where I spent 3 awesome days!)

This resort was unbelievably beautiful and full of things to do and eat! What a wonderful idea it was years ago for these woman to come up with a yearly conference for missionary women living in Nicaragua. We were surrounded by like-minded sisters in Christ who were just open and so excited to hear from each other and learn about what the Lord was doing in all of our lives. The theme of the conference was "Women of Grace" The speaker brought with her 5 friends who lavished us with free haircuts, manicures, professional photographs and encouragement.

Over and over again I heard from the speakers and the missionary woman that no matter how much they tried to do because of the love they have for Christ, the more the Lord blessed them. I certainly felt blessed being there at that conference and God reminded me once again that I can not out give Him. No matter how hard I try to give my all to my Lord, He blesses me with more than I can imagine.

More to come...

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