Expat Blog

living in Costa Rica

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Wrapping up the summer

Well, the inevitable is coming. School! Unlike those who send their kids to public or private school, that word means something totally different to a homeschooling mom. School means; Late night planning, early morning motivations, reading out loud, family bible study,watching the dog chew on math blocks,  math lessons, reading lessons, disciplining the young ones, checking up on the older ones, changing the baby/toddler, stopping for lunch, history lessons, handwriting, grammar, more disciplining, watching the house turn into a forest of scattered papers..... wait, that may all just be my house. I'm certain that your home runs as smooth as a well oiled machine. Your kids sit quietly at the table and complete all of their work in a timely manner. The dog plays happily outside and never steals the toddlers snack and most of all the house is immaculate by the time dad gets home and he raves of how much you've accomplished.  If that's the case, I'll gladly trade mine for yours. (smile) Just kidding. I love these rugrats that the Lord has entrusted to me and it is a joy to teach them.... is what I tell myself daily... (smile) As we prepare to embark on this adventure to Central America I can only imagine what the Lord will teach us. If we did nothing but love on everyone we came into contact with (and a little math on the side) I will feel accomplished. We will be going down for our first visit in a few weeks to find a home, I trust that the Lord will lead us to the exact place he wants us to spend this year. My prayer is that through the difficult times and the wonderful times of homeschooling we can all know that God is in total control. If all else fails, it doesn't matter where you begin, just begin!
More to come...

1 comment:

  1. "If all else fails, it doesn't matter where you begin, just begin! - that's awesome! Just what I needed to hear this week, thanks! :)
