Expat Blog

living in Costa Rica

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Benjamin Button

After two whole years of relentless and shameful begging for candy, my 3 year old Benjamin Button had a nicely embedded cavity between two back teeth. (Don't worry, I take full responsibility). If you knew this little boy, you would know why we call him Benjamin Button. He must of been born 83 years old and has been going in reverse ever since.
One afternoon my little ol' man asked to go to the dentist because his tooth hurt, I took him the next day. Unfortunately for both of us the dentist was 83 years old and well after drilling, tears and a faulty filling that fell out a few weeks later...he came back to me and asked to go back and get his teeth fixed.
I found a wonderful 'Just for Kids' dentist and made the appointment and today was the day.
After breakfast, baths and even a smart hair cut, we were off with 5 other children in tow. Benji was confident as he climbed into the dentist's chair and asked for the mini flat screen television to be turned on. I asked the dentist for silver fillings this time and he offered silver caps. I asked Benjamin if I should stay in the room with him and he said "That's ok" in his 'don't worry about me' kind of way.
Forty Five minutes later, he walks out with the nurse and she is all smiles... "He did so great!"
He smiles and shows me his two silver caps which I quickly snap a pic of with my camera and forward to DH. I show him the pic and he narrows his eyebrows and say "OUCH!"

His new nickname... Megatron.
Thanks to my impeccable timing abilities, I chose this day to take a few more passport pictures, including Benjamin's.  We drive for about half an hour and arrive at the photo center. Everyone hops out of the car and and I inspect faces. When I get to Benjamin I notice that he had been chewing on his numb lip and it is red and swollen! Great!
Well, you can imagine how the picture looked, maybe the photo guy thought his lips were naturally like that. Hope the border patrols don't notice... (sigh)
More to come...