Expat Blog

living in Costa Rica

Monday, April 18, 2011

A bit reserved...

Just a few days ago, I was having a conversation with Tony about the changes that God has done in our lives since we have been here in Central America. We recounted all of the things that God has shown us about ourselves here.
If you know me, even a little bit, you could say that I am a bit reserved when it comes to relationships. Tony and I did a great job of keeping to ourselves. My kids would often call me a crab, because I didn't do the weekly get together, the after church lunches or the play dates with the other moms.  With embarrassment I can tell you that I have often ducked away in the grocery store to avoid a lengthy conversation with an acquaintance. If you asked me, I think we shied away from those relationships because it meant being open to things that we were not willing to be open to.
I have always carried around this thought in my head, that the closer two people are the more likely it is that one day, someone will get hurt emotionally. If I had it my way, I would of kept everyone at an arms distance so that I would not hurt or be hurt.
Now, I now that that is not what the Lord wanted for me, but never the less its the wall of protection that I had created for myself.
So, How did I find myself in a ministry surrounded by people 24 hours a day?
Where I must interact, talk, share and pray with... everyday?  God is not in the business of letting you sit happily in your comfort zone!

Being here makes it almost impossible to keep to yourself. I have this daily desire to leave the home that we rent every morning, head over the the orphanage to wipe noses, change diapers and hug children. During these small chores I chat and share with friends. God is slowly but surely chipping away at the wall, don't get me wrong, it feels pretty yucky to me. (smile) But I am willing to bet that God knows what He is doing.

I have succefully, by the grace of God potty trained 2 of the little ones. I am now on my third...Emily.
She just turned 2. She is a feisty one, but bewteen my stubborness and hers, I think we will get this potty thing down  : )

This week is Holy week and the kids are out of school. I asked a couple of friends what Nicaraguans did for Easter. Well, for starters there are no Easter egg hunts, colored eggs or fluffly white Easter bunnies in the picture. Families usually head off to the beach for the week and relax by the water. Being the crab that I am, that didn't sound like fun to me so I have opted to stay home and read while Tony and the kids head off for some swim time this week. : )
Hopefully I can convince Tony to put on a nice Sunday dinner next weekend for all of us... 30 plus, Ha!

More to come...

1 comment:

  1. First of all Id rather convince Tony to cool HERE. Secondly I am glad God is molding you and tweeking you. I just wish i could hug those kids=) give em extra kisses...your godkids are still in diapers waiting for u
