Expat Blog

living in Costa Rica

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Are you ready for an adventure?

It's Sunday evening and I have just finished reading an awesome book about Global Education. I close this 200 somewhat pages of total awesomeness, sit it on my nightstand and think to myself... We're moving out of the country! I look over to my husband peacefully asleep beside me and  wonder how I'm going to convince him to do just that. Well, lucky for me it didn't take much convincing. After praying that night, next morning and afternoon, I pick DH up from work the next day, give him my spiel and he whole heartedly agrees!
 It's been about 2 months since that conversation and life has been a whirlwind! Who does that?!? Right?!? Well, I guess we do! Ha!
Where are we going you may wonder, well the choice that made the most sense to us was Costa Rica. We have 8 beautiful, intelligent children and can't wait to see them immersed in another country, culture and language. My oldest is 17 and will be leaving for college or the military Fall of 2011, so this was just the perfect time for us.
Got question marks above your head? Well here are some answers:
Q:What about work?
A: Covered, Hubby's company went under, got bought out and the new owners let  go of the entire division. No problem! We knew it was coming 6 months ago.Thank God for our home business that can be managed from away.
Q:How safe is Costa Rica? How about medical care.
A: CR has great medical care and how safe is America... really?
Q: Will you continue to homeschool?
A: Most definitely!  My kids have never been to school. This is a hands on way to learn geography, science, math, Spanish and History! Totally exciting!
Q:What about your house, belongings.
A: House is going to be rented out for a year minimum and the bulk of our belongings sold to the highest bidder. No use of carrying more than what we can carry...literally!
Q: What about church?
A: Missions! Nicaragua is on the northern border of CR and the 2nd poorest country in the western hemisphere after Haiti.
And for those who think "Well, you all are just crazy!" Well, obviously!
More to come...


  1. Oh I so love this... I packed up my 5 Children and moved them to Jamaica... did almost the same thing with my personal things and basically started new life... I'm able to be a better MoM, friend, wife... We are totally loving it... Every weekend is a journey into exploring the Island... and after 2 years we still have not seen everything... Believe me when I say God has really stepped in when I decided to take the leap of faith..... He totally caught us and is with us all the way... Keep posting.. I can't wait to read more!!!

  2. Hey!!! This sounds great! I don't know if you have seen, on FB, that I have been in Kenya with my 6yr old son Caleb for the past 14 months. We just got back to the US 2 weeks ago. If my husband was ready I would move there in a fast heart beat! I am waiting for GOD to change Doug's heart to Kenya. Anyway I get it and I know this will be a great adventure! God Bless and you all have my prayers. I was thinking of you as I am just starting to home school Caleb. If you have materials that are good for K-2nd I might be interested. Find me on FB and let me kow. I am very excited for all of you! I will be looking for the next update!
    Tina Eppler

  3. Well well...the wise Miss Marj finally DID it....
    and u r flying for Jesus with the HS as your parachute!!! Awesome....MORE MORE

  4. Mis Marj you do realize that you can change your background to a pic? Like a pic of Costa Rica, or your kids, or anything, or even a map instead of all blue?

  5. Hey Marj, thanks for stopping by my blog! I saw your profile before, but couldn't click through to your blog - so I'm glad you commented b/c now I could.
    Your story sounds awesome! Can't wait to read through your blog some more and begin following your adventures! :)

  6. Hi,
    It's called "The New Global Student" by Maya Frost. Very out of the box kind of thinking.
    : )
