Expat Blog

living in Costa Rica

Sunday, November 7, 2010

We have internet!

Almost 2 weeks since we've been here and internet has just arrived. We were fortunate enough to have been able to borrow our friendly neighbors wi-fi in the meantime. A few days after our arrival we took a bus down to the ICE agency to obtain internet. The agent told us that we needed a phone line, a new one, not the one we already had. We said "OK, no problem can you give us a phone line?" He replied "Sure, it will take 6 months." So with our heads hanging low, we left the office and headed back home. We eventually decided to call the landlord and ask if there was any way to get the internet sooner. He said that he had a personal friend at ICE and he would call in a favor. Less than 3 days later, we had internet. I guess it's all about who you know.... and a bit of 'Favor'   ; )

I'm surprised that I have not missed having a truck to get around. The bus rides are a trip! One evening after shopping in the city of San Jose, we were on a bus going up the mountain. The curves were sharp and the bus was taking them better than a Mazda Miata! It was pretty full and there was a passenger hanging outside the bus door, waving to various people we passed. The driver smiled the whole time and people thanked him as they got off. At times, I had to look around to see if anyone was frightened by how fast the bus was going but they all looked pretty relaxed, so I figured this must be normal. As we exited the bus there were 4 huge cows standing around the bus stop eating grass. They must have gotten out of the yard nearby...I'm not scared of cows or anything, but thought it best to cross the road and walk away slowly.

We have befriended the local people at the panaderia (bakery), carneceria (butcher), and ferria (farmers market). We stop in and buy baguettes, bananas, plantains, chicken, eggs, etc. and chat for a while before we move on. Conversations are light since my spanish is so rough, but they are patient and kind to me and the children. Tony does well in speaking and translating for me. The local fruit and vegetables are really inexpensive. Bananas are a dozen for a little less than $.80 and Pineapples are $.50 each. The bakery sells all sorts of bread with our without cheese. We have taken a liking to the flaky pastry bread with ground beef and spices which sells for less than $.50 each.

One thing that was not expected is that it gets chilly in the mountains. There are 12 different ecosystems in Costa Rica of which we happen to be in the cooler highlands. It has been cool the past few days with all of the rain and the sun not being able to warm the house through the sunroofs in every room.
Other than needing a few extra sweaters and blankets (that we were not expecting to need), we are adjusting. It sure beats winters in Maine.
(Roses in the front yard)

We woke up this morning expecting to make it to church at about 9am. Tony walked to the church first and called to let me know that church does not start until 1pm... Yes!  I sure hope I love it, it is only a 10 minute walk down the hill. Will let you all know next blog.

More to come...


  1. OK. I've been talking to you all day and nothing here is new... so I'm a bit bored but I like your enthusiasm.

  2. Ok fine, I didn't know all that stuff. If you guys run out of meat can you just kill one of those cows on the street and take it home or is that illegal?

  3. Love it
    I still can't believe it...I will live thru you for the next year!

    Rod mentioned the cows in India too where he visited=) WOW

    I was talking about u yesterday...as I laughed about the JOYS of life=)

  4. Remember these pics?


  5. nominated your blog

  6. Hey Marj and family,
    You know, i really enjoy reading your blogs, you are an awesome writer. Furthermore, I really see how the Lord is working in your house and with your family. Keep the faith, give everyone a hug for me. We love you guys...

